- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal2025-03-21T07:13:43+00:00Open Journal Systems<h1><strong>Peer Reviewed Journal</strong></h1> <p><strong>JournalNX - a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal. Notably, it is a referred, highly indexed, monthly, online international journal with high impact.</p> <p>Subsequently, JournalNX is a platform for researchers, authors, engineers, and technocrats. Also, we are publishing the original and best-quality research. This is our initiative for the betterment of technical society.</p> <p>The main objective, of the peer reviewed journal is to motivate the researchers. It works to achieve excellence in research publishing.</p> <p>In addition, the journal provides the platform for publishing. We publish high quality scientific research work. We have the lowest processing charges. Off course, the scientific research promotion is the motivation behind having the low publication charges.</p> <p>Eventually, Novateur Publication publishes JournalNX. Novateur Publication is moving towards the 9th year of excellence in scientific quality publishing.</p> <p>Further, we believe that, the journal is not international by the name. It is international by the international contributing researchers, editors, reviewers. In all honesty, most important are the authors.</p> <h2><strong>International Journal of Scientific Research</strong></h2> <p>JournalNX being the International Journal of Scientific Research has following key features.</p> <ul> <li>Peer reviewed Journal</li> <li>Online payment</li> <li>Best paper award</li> <li>2000+ satisfied authors</li> <li>DOI to Each Article</li> <li>Certificate of publication</li> <li>Protected by SSL encryption</li> <li>Unique Object Identifier (UOI)</li> <li>Online article submission</li> <li>Quick response to queries</li> <li>No hidden charges</li> <li>Presence in international databases</li> </ul> <p>Yes, we are excellent quality International Journal of Scientific Research. Moreover, JournalNX is one of the best platforms to publish peer reviewed articles with.</p> AND ANALYSIS OF ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY2025-03-13T13:29:57+00:00Amruta D. Kamble[email protected]Prof. Ranjeet B. Patil[email protected]<p>The development of the nation's infrastructure depends heavily on the construction industry. Construction waste, however, is the issue that the industry is currently facing. Compared to other industries, the construction industry produces more waste. Waste is produced throughout the construction process at various stages such as excessive cement mix procedures, concrete materials left over after work is finished owing to design changes, rework, destruction, and subpar craftsmanship, etc. Additionally, all of the resources utilised in building operations end up being wasted, which raises the project's cost, lowers its profitability, and has a detrimental effect on the environment. Waste from construction projects is challenging to recycle. Additionally, cities lack enough area for waste disposal.Waste is a representation of resource misallocation and the inefficiencies of any modern society.</p>2025-03-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF NOISE AND VIBRATION OF MACHINES USED IN THE COTTON INDUSTRY ON THE HEALTH OF OPERATORS2025-03-15T05:01:28+00:00Xusanova Nigina Abduxamidovna[email protected]Shamsiev Islom Rabbim ugli[email protected]Matkarimov Bekzodbek Umirbek ugli[email protected]Akhmadalieva Marjona Akbarali kizi[email protected]Ismoilova Maftuna Sharofiddin kizi[email protected]<p>The article presents an analysis of the negative impact of noise on the health of machine operators at primary cotton processing plants. The causes of industrial noise in the production shops of cotton ginning enterprises are studied. Permissible noise levels in the workplace are identified in order to eliminate them as much as possible and improve the working conditions of workers. The consequences of vibration exposure to workers and the nature of the violation of physiological functions of the body are determined. The issues of the impact of vibrations on technogenic processes (stability, seismic resistance, service life, etc.) occurring in the production buildings of cotton industry enterprises are considered.</p>2025-03-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 METHODS IN MEDICINE2025-03-15T05:07:21+00:00Nurbayeva Khabiba Batirovna[email protected]Aliyev Qamariddin Qakhramonovich[email protected]Eshmirzayev Quvonchbek Sodiq o’li[email protected]<p>Psychodiagnostics in medicine is one of the key methods for assessing mental health, diagnosing psychiatric and neurological disorders. This article provides detailed information on the most essential psychodiagnostic methods.</p>2025-03-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELEMENTS OF SET THEORY2025-03-16T05:43:57+00:00Abdimomin Abdurakhmanov[email protected]Ramazonova Sohibjamol[email protected]<p>A set is one of the fundamental concepts of mathematics, so it is accepted without definition. A set is a collection of objects that have some common property.<br>In mathematics, a set is denoted by the capital letters of the Latin alphabet. The elements of a set are written in lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet. Sets are represented as follows: the empty set, the subset of sets, the union (sum) of sets, the intersection (product) of sets, the difference of sets, and the<br>Cartesian product of sets.</p>2025-03-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND THEIR PROBLEMS2025-03-17T20:11:08+00:00Abdimomin Abdurakhmanov[email protected]Normaxmatov Shogzod[email protected]<p>These considerations serve as the main objects of investigation in the section called algebra of mathematical logic. It is interesting to look at the meaning of each statement of mathematical logic,whether it is true, true, true or false.Thus, in mathematical logic, it is said: "Every statement has the property of being either true or false."</p>2025-03-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 AND THEIR APPLICATIONS2025-03-17T20:14:05+00:00Abdimomin Abdurakhmanov[email protected]Yorkulova Gulfira[email protected]<p>Combinatorics is a branch of discrete mathematics that deals mainly with finite sets. Combinatorics is divided into recurring and non-recurring types: Permutation, Permutation, Grouping. Examples and solutions to problems related to combinatorics, which consist of the above, are given in detail.</p>2025-03-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 ROLE OF ANCESTORS' MOTHERS IN THE EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE GENERATION2025-03-21T07:13:43+00:00Jabborova Nilufar Shavkatovna[email protected]<p>This article discusses the importance of including engaging stories that illustrate the remarkable life experiences of Uzbek scientists, educators, and professionals from various backgrounds in school textbooks and university manuals. It explores how these narratives can inspire future generations and identifies shortcomings in textbook preparation. Our famous ancestors are the greatest people who devoted their lives to educating our people and making them patriots by putting their knowledge, knowledge, wisdom, and even their own intentions in the right direction. Even though centuries have passed, it is a legacy of knowledge that has not lost its essence and is relevant to every time, and that has a positive impact on the spirituality of every generation.</p>2025-03-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025