JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal <h1><strong>Peer Reviewed Journal</strong></h1> <p><strong>JournalNX - a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal. Notably, it is a referred, highly indexed, monthly, online international journal with high impact.</p> <p>Subsequently, JournalNX is a platform for researchers, authors, engineers, and technocrats. Also, we are publishing the original and best-quality research. This is our initiative for the betterment of technical society.</p> <p>The main objective, of the peer reviewed journal is to motivate the researchers. It works to achieve excellence in research publishing.</p> <p>In addition, the journal provides the platform for publishing. We publish high quality scientific research work. We have the lowest processing charges. Off course, the scientific research promotion is the motivation behind having the low publication charges.</p> <p>Eventually, Novateur Publication publishes JournalNX. Novateur Publication is moving towards the 9th year of excellence in scientific quality publishing.</p> <p>Further, we believe that, the journal is not international by the name. It is international by the international contributing researchers, editors, reviewers. In all honesty, most important are the authors.</p> <h2><strong>International Journal of Scientific Research</strong></h2> <p>JournalNX being the International Journal of Scientific Research has following key features.</p> <ul> <li>Peer reviewed Journal</li> <li>Online payment</li> <li>Best paper award</li> <li>2000+ satisfied authors</li> <li>DOI to Each Article</li> <li>Certificate of publication</li> <li>Protected by SSL encryption</li> <li>Unique Object Identifier (UOI)</li> <li>Online article submission</li> <li>Quick response to queries</li> <li>No hidden charges</li> <li>Presence in international databases</li> </ul> <p>Yes, we are excellent quality International Journal of Scientific Research. Moreover, JournalNX is one of the best platforms to publish peer reviewed articles with.</p> Novateur Publication, India en-US JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal 2581-4230 OPPORTUNITIES AND PROSPECTS FOR USING DATA SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT CONSULTING <p>In contemporary management consulting, Data Science is crucial for addressing issues that necessitate the use of analytical tools for automated calculations. Consequently, expertise in Data Science tools has become vital for consulting firms. Additionally, Data Science tools can be beneficial for resolving simpler cases, helping to streamline the consultant's tasks. Hence, Data Science holds a significant role in modern consulting. An examination of methods for learning Data Science tools indicates that all necessary resources are now available for individuals wishing to acquire these skills.</p> Karimova L. R. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 10 7 1 5 DEVELOPING ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE IN SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN <p>This article discusses ecological education and ecological knowledge of preschool children.</p> Abdugaffor's daughter in Nazareth Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 10 7 6 7 PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PREPARING PRESCHOOL EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS FOR INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES <p>This article discusses the unique pedagogical and psychological features of the process of preparing future preschool education specialists for innovative professional activities. Pedagogical practices, best practices and cooperation with parents were also described in preparing them for innovative professional activities.</p> Azamatova Kumis Azimjon's daughter Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 10 7 8 10 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES <p>The purpose of the research is to reveal the current problems of the economic security of chemical industry enterprises and to determine their solutions. Modern approaches and mechanisms related to ensuring economic security is considered. The progressive international experience of strengthening the economic security system is reviewed. The importance of adapting the organization of economic security in chemical enterprises to the requirements of the time was noted. The relevance of the preparation and application of modern mechanisms of the economic security system in chemical industry enterprises is given in the conditions of global threats. The importance of complex measures in the direction of strengthening the provision of raw materials for chemical enterprises is substantiated.</p> Uktamov Khusniddin Uktamov Khusniddin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-10 2024-07-10 10 7 11 15 ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF THE MAIN PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF RAILROADS <p>In this article modeled and analyzed the main performance indicators of JSC “Railways of Uzbekistan” in the process of corporate system management.</p> Khaydarkulova Shahrizoda Inomjon kizi Babakhanova Nilufar Usmandjanovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-14 2024-07-14 10 7 16 22 MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING SPIRITUAL AND MORAL VALUES TO GIRLS ON THE BASIS OF THE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF TEMURI QUEENS IN OUTSIDE AUDITORIUM COURSES <p>This article Timurid queens life , work , rich and cool creative - scientific heritage , of queens not only in the family a child upbringing rather , the state in management too his own instead of have that it was historical sources based on reflection to continue and this edges student to the girls to teach the garden is cultivated . In the article from this except from the audience except training through of students spirituality development important factors , they between healthy spiritual environment content in finding ancestors spiritual and moral inheritance deep learning about thought held .</p> Kurbanova Dilafruz Toshturdiyevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 10 7 23 27 POSSIBILITIES OF INCLUSIVE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT <p>The article analyzes the development of tourism sectors, including inclusive tourism, and its impact on the rise of the international image of Uzbekistan.<br>Also, the issues of social rehabilitation of citizens with limited opportunities and disabilities in the life of the society, and the importance of inclusive tourism in their socialization into the life of the society are covered.</p> Khashimov Sherakhan Jorakhanovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 10 7 28 32 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND URBAN GREEN SPACES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SHIMLA <p>The health and well-being of individuals are profoundly impacted by things like urbanisation and climate change. In order to offset these negative health consequences, nature-based solutions that are implemented as natural and sustainable techniques in urban areas are a viable option. The purpose of this article is to investigate urban green spaces as an important nature-based solution that has the potential to solve difficulties connected to climate change and urbanisation by harnessing the services provided by urban ecosystems. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the link between urban green spaces and urban health. It illustrates how access to these areas may improve both physical and mental health; minimize health concerns associated to pollution, and increase general well-being. For the purpose of demonstrating how the uneven distribution of urban green spaces interacts with poor supply of ecosystem services and the beneficial health outcomes that are linked with them, the city of Shimla is utilized as a case study. The distribution of vulnerable population groups, such as children and old people, throughout the various city districts is the primary focus of the investigation. Both the discrepancies in access to green areas and the ways in which these disparities impact health outcomes are brought to light by the case study. This study also investigates the idea of environmental justice, focusing on the need of ensuring that everyone has equal access to green areas in order to advance the cause of health equality. The chapter emphasizes the significance of incorporating nature-based solutions into urban planning efforts in order to cultivate urban settings that are healthier and more resilient. This is accomplished by establishing a connection between the distribution of green areas and health outcomes and environmental justice.</p> Saachi Sood Shivani Seraik Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 10 7 33 38 METHODS OF EXPERIMENT IN PHYSICS IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS <p>This article has taken an important place in the curriculum "Software Development", based on the fact that physics is primarily a fundamental science. Its main task is to contribute to the development of the content of the methodology of teaching physics.</p> Ibragimov Rakhimjon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 10 7 39 41 "FROM AUTOMATION TO AUGMENTATION: AI'S JOURNEY IN HR" <p>Enterprises form the cornerstone of a nation's economy, and history reveals three distinct waves of industrial transformation that have shaped the modern world over the past two centuries. The advent of mechanical machinery marked the beginning of Industry 1.0 in the 18th century, followed by the steam-powered Industry 2.0 in the 19th century. The 20th century ushered in Industry 3.0 with the proliferation of computers and the internet (PWC Report, 2017). Now, in the 21st century, Industry 4.0 has emerged, characterized by revolutionary technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and high-speed data networks such as 4G and 5G.</p> Ms. Swati Rawat Dr. Indira Priyadarsani Pradhan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-21 2024-07-21 10 7 42 49 SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM OF EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL STRESS IN DISABLED TEENAGERS <p>In this article, factors that directly or indirectly affect emotional stress in adolescents with disabilities, individual psychological characteristics of adolescents and the level of emotional stability are analyzed from a socio-psychological point of view.</p> Sayora Xashimova Kholmurodovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 10 7 50 55 OF GLOBAL RISK AND HAZARDS ON AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECTOR INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE <p>This article examines the experience of foreign countries in studying the impact of global risks on agriculture and food. The figures for 2023 are compared with those of previous years. The reforms carried out in our country and the problems in foreign countries in providing the population with sufficient and high-quality food products were also studied, conclusions and proposals were drawn up.</p> Z. S. Shokhuzhaeva S. N. Mikhridinov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 56 60 FINANCING THE GROWING OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS SUPPORT AND USE OF LOANS WAYS TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY <p>It is known that studying the activities of farms specializing in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, which occupy a significant place in the export of agricultural products in our country, and organizing it based on the introduction of innovations is of great importance in increasing the efficiency of these products. In this article, through a survey, the problems observed in the processes of growing, storing, processing and selling fruits and vegetables in farms and peasant households in the Kashkadarya region were studied, and appropriate proposals and recommendations were developed.</p> Shokhojaeva Zebo Safovna H. Yakubova Z. Saburova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 61 67 IMPORTANT FACTORS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGROCLUSTERS <p>This article explains the need for the development of agro-clusters, its importance and place in the development of society, and the developed areas include measures such as equipping agro-clusters with modern technologies, its spiritual renewal, structural technical technological restructuring.</p> Iminov Tukhtasin Nurmamatovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 68 72 NATURE, CHARACTERISTICS AND INSTITUTIONAL BASIS OF TURKEY'S EXPERIENCE IN ENSURING FOOD SECURITY <p>This article examines current food safety reforms in Turkey, covering broad economic and social goals such as improving food safety regulations and capacity, reducing supply chain losses, preventing waste, and regulating markets.</p> Shokhojaeva Zebo Safovna Yakubova Khurshida Orakovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 73 78 FINANCING THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS SUPPORT AND USE OF LOANS WAYS TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY <p>In this article, through a survey, the activities of farms specializing in growing fruits and vegetables in the Surkhandarya region were studied, and it was found that farms have problems using loans. In addition, proposals and conclusions were formulated to solve problems and support the activities of farms.</p> Nazarova Munavvar Soatmurad qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 79 83 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN THE FIELD OF WATER MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY <p>The article aims to highlight digital technologies and their importance in the use of water resources. Technical solutions for monitoring the condition of agricultural lands and how to monitor them are shown. It is especially useful to learn about modern electronic devices.</p> Mirjamilova daughter of Hulkar Nurali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 84 87 WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REFORMS: PROBLEMS AND RESULTS <p>It is known that in recent years consistent reforms have been implemented in our country on effective use of water resources, improvement of their management system, modernization and development of water management facilities. In this article, the changes in the water management system, its problems and the results of reforms carried out in the field are presented and conclusions are drawn.</p> Seitimbetova Zibakhan Abdiganiyevna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 88 92 COMPLEX APPROACHES AND STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS IN DIGITALIZATION OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM <p>This article develops proposals in areas such as monitoring and management of water resources, precision technologies in irrigated agriculture, irrigation forecasting and optimization, development of intelligent farm management systems, and the use of data and analysis in decision-making in determining an integrated approach and strategic direction in digitalization of the water resources management system</p> Akbarova Shakhnoza Yakubovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 93 97 A RESEARCH PAPER ON - “STUDY ON COST ANALYSIS OF R.C.C AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURE” <p>Structural engineers are facing the challenge of striving for most efficient and economical design solutions while ensuring final design of a building to be serviceable for its intended function, habitable for its occupants and safe over its design life-time. As our country is the fastest growing country across the globe and need of shelter with higher land cost in major cities where further horizontal expansion is not much possible due to space shortage, we are left with the solution of vertical expansion.<br>Steel-concrete composite construction has gained wide acceptance worldwide as an alternative to pure steel and pure concrete construction. Reinforced concrete members are used in the framing system for most of the buildings since this is the most convenient and economic system for low-rise buildings. However, for medium to high-rise buildings this type of structure is no longer economical because of increased dead load, less stiffness, span restriction and hazardous formwork. Steel-concrete composite frame system can provide an effective and economic solution to most of these problems in medium to high rise buildings. An attempt has been made in this study to explore cost effectiveness of composite construction. Steel-concrete composite construction with castellated steel beams for large span member is economical in construction, which also saves lot of time and money in construction, which will help the planners to meet the demand with minimum time. This technology provides more carpet area than any other type of construction Composite construction also enhances life expectancy of structures. Hence, the aim of present study is to ultimately compare cost of R.C.C. structures, Composite structure with solid sections and composite structure with openings. All frames are designed under same gravity loading. Equivalent static method of analysis is used for Seismic force analysis. Etabs software is used and the results are compared Cost effectiveness based on material cost for all types of buildings models is determined.</p> Mr. Sameer Sanjay Jadhav Mr. Rohit Maruti Rathod Mr. Aditya Chidanand Surwase Prof. R. J. Mulla Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 10 7 98 107