JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
<h1><strong>Peer Reviewed Journal</strong></h1> <p><strong>JournalNX - a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal. Notably, it is a referred, highly indexed, monthly, online international journal with high impact.</p> <p>Subsequently, JournalNX is a platform for researchers, authors, engineers, and technocrats. Also, we are publishing the original and best-quality research. This is our initiative for the betterment of technical society.</p> <p>The main objective, of the peer reviewed journal is to motivate the researchers. It works to achieve excellence in research publishing.</p> <p>In addition, the journal provides the platform for publishing. We publish high quality scientific research work. We have the lowest processing charges. Off course, the scientific research promotion is the motivation behind having the low publication charges.</p> <p>Eventually, Novateur Publication publishes JournalNX. Novateur Publication is moving towards the 9th year of excellence in scientific quality publishing.</p> <p>Further, we believe that, the journal is not international by the name. It is international by the international contributing researchers, editors, reviewers. In all honesty, most important are the authors.</p> <h2><strong>International Journal of Scientific Research</strong></h2> <p>JournalNX being the International Journal of Scientific Research has following key features.</p> <ul> <li>Peer reviewed Journal</li> <li>Online payment</li> <li>Best paper award</li> <li>2000+ satisfied authors</li> <li>DOI to Each Article</li> <li>Certificate of publication</li> <li>Protected by SSL encryption</li> <li>Unique Object Identifier (UOI)</li> <li>Online article submission</li> <li>Quick response to queries</li> <li>No hidden charges</li> <li>Presence in international databases</li> </ul> <p>Yes, we are excellent quality International Journal of Scientific Research. Moreover, JournalNX is one of the best platforms to publish peer reviewed articles with.</p>Novateur Publication, Indiaen-USJournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal2581-4230THE IMPORTANCE OF STUDYING MATHEMATICS AND MODERN APPROACHES
<p>This article discusses the importance of mathematics in society, its role in scientific and practical fields, as well as the application of modern approaches and methods in the educational process. Mathematics plays a crucial role not only in scientific research but also in everyday activities, financial and economic planning, engineering, and information technologies. New methods for effectively teaching mathematics through research, interactive methods, and the use of digital technologies are discussed. The article also proposes various practical and theoretical methods to increase interest in learning mathematics.</p>Saidov SardorSalimova Uldona
Copyright (c) 2025
<p>This article examines the theoretical foundations of poverty reduction through the development of the service sector. The service sector is recognized as an effective tool in combating poverty by promoting economic growth, increasing employment, and fostering entrepreneurship. The article analyzes various approaches to poverty reduction, including economic growth, education and professional development, improvements in healthcare services, financial inclusion, and social protection programs. Specifically, it explores opportunities and strategies for reducing poverty in the Republic of Karakalpakstan through the expansion of the service sector, highlighting the significance of tourism, information technology, transport and logistics, entrepreneurship, and vocational education. The article also provides practical recommendations for the development of the service sector based on government policies and international experiences.</p>Dauletmuratov Adilbay Mirzabaevich
Copyright (c) 2025
<p>With increased expectations for fruit products of high quality and safety standards, the need for accurate, fast and objective quality determination of these characteristics in fruit products continues to grow. Computer vision provides one alternative for an automated, non-destructive and cost-effective technique to accomplish these requirements. This inspection approach based on image analysis and processing has found a variety of different applications in the fruit industry. Automated inspection of apple quality involves computer recognition of good apples and blemished apples based on geometric or statistical features derived from apple images. This project presents the recent developments of image processing and machine vision system in an automated fruit quality measurement system. In agricultural sector the efficiency and the accurate grading process is very essential to increase the productivity of produce. Everyday high quality fruits are exported to other countries and generate a good income. That is why the grading process of the fruit is important to improve the quality of fruits. However, fruit grading by humans in agricultural industry is not sufficient, requires large number of labors and causes human errors. Automatic grading system not only speeds up the process but also gives accurate results. Therefore, there is a need for an efficient fruits grading or classification methods to be developed. Fruit’s color, size, weight, component texture, ripeness are important features for accurate classification and sorting of fruits such as oranges, apples, mangoes etc. Objective of this paper is to emphasize on recent work reported on an automatic fruit quality detection system. This project presents the image processing techniques for feature extraction and classification for fruit quality measurement system.</p>Mr. Kiran H. WaghMr. Sachin GiddeMr. Sumit GungeMr. Aditya MagarMr. Shrinivas Dasari
Copyright (c) 2025