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Improving the effectiveness of professional training of agricultural professionals is one of the priorities of the higher agricultural education system. The purpose of the article is to determine the main approaches to the professional training of agricultural specialists. According to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, scientific contributions, the author gives the author's definition: "the willingness of future specialists in the agricultural sector to professional activity as an awareness of the need for purposeful obtaining theoretical knowledge, practical skills for self-formation, awareness of personalpersonal and social sphere. " We have identified three stages of professional preparation of students of agricultural profile in the conditions of higher education, the qualities that should be formed for each student: the desire for in-depth study of their profession, the development of interest in it; regular independent performance of educational tasks; honest execution of public tasks, active participation in public life; search for original, non-standard solutions to technical problems. The article emphasizes that the future specialist of agrarian industry requires a combination of deep production and technical knowledge on the one hand, and thorough knowledge of sociological issues - psychological knowledge that would allow effective management of production units and successfully work in different sectors of Ukraine . It is stated that in order to increase the effectiveness of students' education it is necessary to: know the goals of learning, that is, the final knowledge, skills and skills that they must acquire in the course of studying the disciplines; to find forms and methods of control that will allow to evaluate the degree of achievement of the goal, to understand what criteria should be followed in the organization of educational and cognitive activity; to develop programs for the organization of active conscious cognitive activity of each student for mastering the planned knowledge, skills and skills; to create in students appropriate motivation, interest and confidence in the importance and necessity of acquiring certain knowledge, skills and skills that would encourage each student to active conscious work.
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