Publication Procedure
JournalNX is making it simple to prepare, submit the paper online and pay the processing charges by either online or offline mode.
Author has to follow the following steps for publishing a paper with JournalNX.
How to publish the research paper with us?
Step-1:Check whether the topic/ branch/ related or sub-branch of paper is included in “Scope” of JournalNX.
If yes go to step-2, if no search another journal.
Step-2:Download the paper template Click Here and prepare your paper according to the JournalNX template.
Step-3:Quick submit the paper for review or register as a author Click Here
Step-4:Wait for response from JournalNX by email
If didn’t receive the response within 48 hours, contact us on [email protected]
i] If corrections are suggested, correct the paper and resubmit it,
ii] If paper is accepted go to step 6.
Download copy right transfer form Click Here fill it and send the scanned copy of the same
Step-7:Wait for JournalNX to publish your paper, to send you soft copies and hard copies of certificates, if not received within a week of publication contact us on [email protected]