Implementation Of Re-encryption Based Security Meachinsm to Authenticate Shared Access in Cloud Computing

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Chaudhari Madhuri
Jadhav Shantanu Kailas
Jadhav Shivaram Mahadeo
Golhar Amol Dattatrya


Cloud   computing   provides   facilities   of   shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other device on demand. System environment developed by using three key   entities   trusted  third   party,   data   owner  and   user.   The concept     of     shared     authority     based    privacy     preserving authentication  protocol  i.e.,  SAPA  used  to  develop  system  to perform  shared  access  in  multiple  user.  Security  and  privacy issue as well as shared access authority achieved by using access request  matching  mechanism  e.g.  authentication,  user  privacy, user can only access its own data fields. The multiple users want to  share  data  so  that  purpose  re-encryption  is  used  to  provide high  security  for  user  private  data.  Privacy  preserving  data access authority sharing is attractive for multi user collaborative cloud applications.

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How to Cite
Chaudhari Madhuri, Jadhav Shantanu Kailas, Jadhav Shivaram Mahadeo, & Golhar Amol Dattatrya. (2021). Implementation Of Re-encryption Based Security Meachinsm to Authenticate Shared Access in Cloud Computing. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 175–178. Retrieved from