Flash Translation layer used for mapping schemes like BAST and FAST

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Gayke Pratibha S


Flash is a type of electronically erasable programmable read- only memory (EEPROM). NAND Flash Memory is used in handheld electronic   devices      like   mobile,   cameras,   iPods,   music players,  is  also  used  as  an  alternative  storage  medium  for Hard Disk Drives (HDD) in  PCs and Laptops. Flash memory is important as nonvolatile storage for mobile consumer electronics due to its low power consumption and shock resistance. An intermediate software layer called Flash Translation Layer (FTL) is used to overcome these obstacles.Many  efforts  for  optimizing  the  working  of  address mapping schemes   have   been   done   by   different   research workers. Though various schemes are designed and proposed but there is no literature available providing mathematical computations comparing the performance of the various mapping schemes in the form of time complexity. In this paper we have tried to find out the comparative cost of block merge operation required during garbage collection for some representative mapping schemes like BAST and FAST .

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How to Cite
Gayke Pratibha S. (2021). Flash Translation layer used for mapping schemes like BAST and FAST. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 182–186. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/1910