An analytical approach for situational behavioral pattern in MSN

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Kaware Samrudhi Rajendra


The past decade has witnessed the emergence and progress of multimedia social networks (MSNs), which have explosively and tremendously increased to penetrate every corner of our lives, leisure and work. Moreover, mobile Internet and mobile terminals enable users to access to MSNs at anytime, anywhere, on behalf of any identity, including role and group. Therefore, the interaction behaviors between users and MSNs are becoming more comprehensive and  omplicated. This paper primarily extended and enriched the situation analytics framework for the specific social domain, named as SocialSitu, and further proposed a novel algorithm for users’ intention serialization analysis based on classic Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP). We leveraged the huge volume of user behaviors records to explore the frequent sequence mode that is necessary to predict user intention. Our experiment selected two general kinds of intentions: playing and sharing of multimedia, which are the most common in MSNs, based on the intention serialization algorithm under different minimum support threshold (Min_Support).By using the users’ microscopic behaviors analysis on intentions, we found that the optimal behavior patterns of each user under the Min_Support, and a user’s behavior patterns are different due to his/her identity variations in a large volume of sessions data.

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How to Cite
Kaware Samrudhi Rajendra, & Prof.Dr.H.B.Jadhav. (2021). An analytical approach for situational behavioral pattern in MSN. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 187–190. Retrieved from