Intelligent Water Regulation Using IOT

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Kardile Prajakta Sudam
Shipalkar Gayatri Satish
Shahapurkar Shreya Somnath
Satav Varsha Subhash


In urban areas the water supply to residence and commercial establishments are provided at a fixed flow rate. There are incidents of excess water drawn by certain customers/users i.e. water will be released unofficially which is considered as water theft. In this project it is proposed to develop an embedded based remote water monitoring and theft prevention system by taking the data of water supply at the consumer/user end. The overall objective of a distribution system is to deliver wholesome water to the consumer at particular area and in sufficient quantity and achieve continuity and maximum coverage at affordable cost. To attain this objective the organization has to evolve operating procedures to ensure that the system can be operated satisfactorily, function efficiently and continuously as far as possible at lowest cost. Here we are using ARDUINO UNO as our controller and also few sensors are arranged to detect the level of water in that particular tank.  When tank level is get full. Automatically through relay water motor will get off. Temp sensor is used to monitor the temp of water. This all operations will be done through android app. firstly clean the tank after that send the message like tank clean. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.

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How to Cite
Kardile Prajakta Sudam, Shipalkar Gayatri Satish, Shahapurkar Shreya Somnath, & Satav Varsha Subhash. (2021). Intelligent Water Regulation Using IOT. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 301–304. Retrieved from