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Mr.Pathare Mahesh B
Mr.PalaskarAkash V.
Mr. Patil Neeraj N
Mr. Wavare Abhijeet A


Hand brake is one of the most important components in vehicles. In general the hand brake   is operated manually but in our project, we are developing   automatic hand brake for safety purpose of vehicle. In cars, the hand brake, also called parking brake or emergency brake. It is usually used to keep the   vehicle in  stationary condition. The parking brake operates mostly on the rear wheels of the vehicle. It is sometimes also used to prevent a vehicle from rolling when the operator needs both feet to operate the clutch and throttle pedals. Large vehicles are usually fitted with power operated or power assisted handbrakes so force required to operate the handbrake in large vehicle is very less. But many accidents are happens due to forgotten of driver to apply hand brake. So to reduce these accidents the automation in hand brake is necessary. So tohelp to reduce these types of accidents, we are  working  on this project.

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How to Cite
Mr.Pathare Mahesh B, Mr.PalaskarAkash V., Mr. Patil Neeraj N, & Mr. Wavare Abhijeet A. (2021). AUTOMATIC HAND BRAKE SYSTEM: A REVIEW. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 240–242. Retrieved from