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Priyanka P Nangare
Swati B Gagare


Nowadays, due to effects of global warming, green building concept will be proved the key to encountered the problems  of global warming and to enhance the human life. Green building is the part of global response to increasing awareness of role of human activity in the global climate change. The Green building is a system which deals with the various factors such as environment, water conservation, economical use of electricity, energy efficient material and its planning. As well as “Green building” is defined as “a building constructed with design and construction processes which significantly reduce or eliminate negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants.”           It is necessary to study the impact of green building on environment in comparison with conventional building, in this paper we are going for the same. For that purpose we make the study of green building with respect to parameters like energy saving, water conservation, waste control etc. and further calculation  were made and  its proved that green building system not only enhance the environmental property but also saves money in the conservation of above parameters.

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How to Cite
Priyanka P Nangare, & Swati B Gagare. (2021). A CASE STUDY - ORANGE COUNTY, PHASE 2 GREEN BUILDING. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 289–292. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/2184