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Naikbomwadi is a small village in PhaltanTaluka of Satara District of Maharashtra state (India). It is located at a distance of 14 kms from Phaltan. Coordinates are Latitude17°56´5" N, Longitude 74°32´33"E. The average temperature ranges from 27 to 38 degree Celsius and the average rainfall of Satara district including this area is about 337 mm. The hilly terrain is the main feature of this village. This area is in region which is in draught condition for most of the years in last decade. This village is facing acute water scarcity problem every year. To overcome these problems related to water Central Government had started a programme of watershed management viz. Integrated Watershed management Programme (IWMP). This study is an overview of various techniques like farm ponds, check dams, vanraibandharas, etc. which are suggested to overcome the problems related with reducing runoff amount after implementation of IWMP. . In the Naikbomwadi watershed area, demand of water for agriculture and drinking purpose is increasing rapidly depleting water resources coupled with overpopulation. Efforts are made to divert large amount of rainwater to recharge ground water resources.
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