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Saurabh Rajaram Wagh
Shubham Krushna Gajbhiye
Shivkumar manohar masalge
Sachin C. kulkarni


This is a research paper on 3D printing which has become a notable topic in today’s technological discussion. 3 D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a 3 D object is created by laying down successive layers of material it is also known as rapid prototyping, it is a mechanized method where by 3D objects are quickly made on reasonably sized machine connected to a computer containing blue prints for the objects. Here in this technology 3 steps are included such as Designing, Printing and Finishing. In 1st step we use any CAD software to create 3D design in 2nd step 3D printer create an object using this design. And 3rd step finished object is removed from printer. This technology saves time and cost, it saves wastage of material. It has the potential to radically transform many design, production and logistic processes.

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How to Cite
Saurabh Rajaram Wagh, Shubham Krushna Gajbhiye, Shivkumar manohar masalge, & Sachin C. kulkarni. (2021). DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF 3D PRINTER . JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 178–180. Retrieved from