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Nurmatova Guljakhon Toshmatovna
G’afforov Sanat Ismatovich
Yuldashev Sherzod Rabbimkulovich
Hakimov Halim Nasimovich
Tolibov Bekzod Furkatzoda


The history and the philosophy of teaching methodology bring to light, the importance of speaking skills. The author adopts a communicative approach for the enhancement of speaking skills of her students in the class. The researcher focuses on the philosophy of the teaching methodology processes involved in the conversational interaction of the students, thereby conducting such activities in the class which enable her students to be able to use the language appropriate to given social context. The teacher's task is to focus the students' attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary.

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How to Cite
Nurmatova Guljakhon Toshmatovna, G’afforov Sanat Ismatovich, Yuldashev Sherzod Rabbimkulovich, Hakimov Halim Nasimovich, & Tolibov Bekzod Furkatzoda. (2021). “HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING METHODOLOGY”. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 387–391. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/2944

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