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Mr. Dhananjay Subhash Mane
Prof. Madri S.B.


With advances in technology and the miniaturization of sensors, new innovations are being used to improve human life. One important area benefiting from this technology is healthcare. Many people find healthcare services very expensive, especially in developing countries.
This project aims to address a healthcare problem faced by society today. The main goal was to design a remote healthcare system with three main parts: detecting a patient’s vital signs using sensors, sending the data to cloud storage, and providing the data for remote viewing. This allows doctors or caregivers to monitor a patient's health progress without needing to be in the hospital.
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects medical resources to offer smart, reliable, and effective healthcare services. Health monitoring for active and assisted living can use IoT to improve patients' lives. In this project, I developed an IoT-based Remote Health Monitoring System using locally available sensors to keep it affordable for mass production.
The proposed system collects sensor data through an Arduino microcontroller and sends it to the cloud for processing and analysis. Feedback based on the analyzed data can be sent to the doctor or caregiver via email or SMS alerts in case of emergencies.

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How to Cite
Mr. Dhananjay Subhash Mane, & Prof. Madri S.B. (2024). IOT BASED REMOTE PATIENT HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 10(5), 120–133. Retrieved from