The Pothole detection: Using a Mobile Sensor Network For Road Surface Monitoring

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Kash Asif Shaikh
Poonam Sanjay Sonnis
Pratiksha Ram Nate
Sanket Suresh Deotarse


      Dangerous road conditions may be the result of natural events, such as tropical rains and flooding, that make driving unsafe. Dangerous conditions can also arise from the poor physical condition of a road and its surroundings. It may cause road accidents. Also while driving in the night just the headlights might not be a sufficient assistance for driver. Unexpected hurdles on road may cause more accidents. Also because of bad road conditions, fuel consumption of the vehicle increases; causing wastage of precious fuel.Pothole Detection system is a unique concept and it is very useful to whom which face the problem of pothole in their route. The technology is purely new and idea is generated a profile for pothole in our vehicle journey. It is an application which is Accessing to timely and accurate road condition information, especially about dangerous potholes is of great importance to the public and the government. We are going to develop an effective road surface monitoring system for automated pothole detection. It is a unique concept where it a low cost solution for the road safety purpose. This will help to avoid accidents and can use to identify problem areas early. The authorities can get information about the potholes so that they can take preventive actions. Poorly maintained roads are a fact of life in most developing countries including our India. A well maintained road network is a must for the well being and the development of any country. So that we are going to create an effective road surface monitoring system. Automated pothole detection is our focus in the system.

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How to Cite
Kash Asif Shaikh, Poonam Sanjay Sonnis, Pratiksha Ram Nate, & Sanket Suresh Deotarse. (2021). The Pothole detection: Using a Mobile Sensor Network For Road Surface Monitoring. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 248–250. Retrieved from