Automatic Solar Tracking Street Light That Glow on Detecting Vehicle and Human Movement

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Shingate Jitendra Dnyandeo
Jarad Saurabh Bapu
Bharane Nanaso Kalyan
Bharane Ganesh Ambadas


We are in the time where energy conservation & use of renewable resources has become a necessity. Thus requirement of methods which are not only highly efficient but also low in energy consumption has greatly increased to keep a check on pollution factor. Keeping this in mind this project focuses on solar based LED street light glow on presence of vehicle and human
movement that uses automatic street light controller with a solar trackerSolar tracker is used so as to track maximum sun energy. People have started moving towards the non-conventional sources of energy in this global warming period. Energy generated from these resources should be used in effective manner. As far as energy consumption of any device is one of the important
concerns, the proper utilization has also its own importance. This project represents the streetlight structure with the solar tracking for reducing energy-consumption. Basically, it consists of three parts, first trying to comprehend the concept of energy harnessing and then attempting to utilize it in utmost possible way. After that as a part of innovative application about how to
optimize the power consumed using different electronics components like charge controller and sensor.

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How to Cite
Shingate Jitendra Dnyandeo, Jarad Saurabh Bapu, Bharane Nanaso Kalyan, Bharane Ganesh Ambadas, & PROF. BENKAR A.R. (2021). Automatic Solar Tracking Street Light That Glow on Detecting Vehicle and Human Movement. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 1–6. Retrieved from