IOT based Garbage Monitoring And Waste Management system for Smart Cities

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Adhav Kishori Nanasaheb
Kadam Gauri Santosh
Gore Komal Uttam
Shinare Madhuri Dattatray


Waste is an important issue, which needs to be tackled smartly. The main purpose of this paper is to develop the system which uses the information collected from sensors to manage the waste collection. In proposed system, Smart waste bins are located in several areas of city are connected to Internet wirelessly, they equipped with sensors which collects the data about level of collected waste in waste bin. Then Smart waste bin sends this information to central web portal using WIFI module. If the waste bin is filled up to its threshold value then the message is displayed on web portal and the responsible authority take proper action and it will shows the all information on to the Smart waste bin Application on the users mobile phone.

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How to Cite
Adhav Kishori Nanasaheb, Kadam Gauri Santosh, Gore Komal Uttam, & Shinare Madhuri Dattatray. (2021). IOT based Garbage Monitoring And Waste Management system for Smart Cities. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 197–201. Retrieved from