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Ruchita V. Shinde
Prof. Mrs. S.S.Patil


 In Traditional Chinese Medicine wrist pulse signals plays a vital role for disease diagnosis. In India cardiac related diseases are increased. The origin of all this is from atherosclerosis. Wrist signals are considered for detection of Atherosclerosis. The selected disease is early stage detection of heart attack. Basically diseases are caused due to imbalance in tridoshas. This wrist pulse diagnosis is also called as ‘Nadi Parikshan’. It just requires two pulses as input, which are taken from patient’s hand. In the system pulses of any two places of person are taken and PWV is calculated. This value of Pulse Wave Velocity is used to calculate Cardio Ankle Vascular Index value. Bases in the value various stages of disease are detected.

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How to Cite
Ruchita V. Shinde, & Prof. Mrs. S.S.Patil. (2021). DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASE USING WRIST PULSE SIGNALS. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 233–236. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/2346