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The Uzbek people are one of the people who make a huge contribution to the development of the world civilization with its ancient culture and creative potential. The samples of oral creativity of the people are an invaluable set of artistic values, an ancient, passing from generation to generation, a polished creative process of our national values. The epics of the people as an ancient priceless spiritual wealth are a source of language that reaches from ancestors to generations in oral form in different variants in terms of form and content. In particular, the epic «Alpomish» is being praised as an example of the fate of a family as an example for a whole of humanity. In this regard, the first president of our country was it is enough to remember the words of I.A.Karimov's Noble purma. «If the ancient and glorious history of our people is an endless saga, it will be correct to say that «Alpomish» is the King byte of this epic. In this classic game, the noble qualities such as tolerance, perseverance, nobility, loyalty and loyalty of our country, which have survived the floods of history, the tests of life and death and have always maintained its identity, are expressed». It is known that the changes that occur on the basis of internal and external factors in the language are primarily reflected in the dictionary structure of the language. Because lexicon is the fastest changing field of language. Each word reflects the specific signs of the nation. In Uzbek eposology, a lot of scientific research work has been carried out on the features of language and artistic research of people's epic. Including X.Doniyorov, B.Toychiboyev, S.Tursunav, Z.Kholmanova, Sh.Mahmadiev, G.Jumanazarova, O.Safarov, H.T.Zarifov, B.Garlic, N.The research conducted by such philologist scientists as Mahmudov in this regard deserves special praise. The Uzbek language is one of the languages in the Turkic system of ancient and local peoples of Central Asia, and its lexical composition and grammatical construction have a long history. The current Uzbek language lexicon is a holistic system, which in the process of its entire development is enriched on the basis of the laws of internal and external development of this language, formed as a vocabulary, lexical-semantic system. «Alpomish» as a rare monument of the oral creativity of the people, as «Alpomish» is considered one of the rare monuments that embodies social, political and moral, educational views from an artistic point of view, as well as valuable information on history, literature, ethnography, linguistics and other spheres. Any language, whether it is tribal language, the language of the nation, will have its own certain amount of vocabulary and language units. Almost half of the contents of the dictionary in the Uzbek language are Turkic words. Alternatively in our language there are Chinese, Arabic and Persian- under the influence of political and social factors, which took place in the later stages of the development of Tajik assimilation words and languages, words from other different languages again became rich in the account of assimilation. Accordingly, the composition of the dictionary of the Uzbek language in terms of historical formation is divided into two layers: its own layer and its own layer. When the lexical units with the use of «Alpomish» epic are analyzed etymologically, the same thing is known that in the epic there are many Arabic, Persian- Tajik, partly, but also Chinese words with the use of Turkic, Uzbek. Lexical units belonging to their own series: their own layer applied in the game is a large amount of universal (Uzbek) words.
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