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Human Development Index is a composite index to measure the development of human resources in each country and there lies four indicators and life expectancy is one of them. This Human Development Report for Uttarakhand state presents a snapshot view of the prevailing health scenario in the state as well as the thirteen districts based on the household survey of the HDR 2017 and trains its focus on indicators capturing maternal health, child health, per capita health expenditures and the utilization of health facilities for short and long term illnesses. This article reviews health care system in the State of Uttarakhand. Data is mostly taken from official government websites, books and other research works till date. We used the content analysis method in this case study. The objective of the presented research paper is to Study relationship between health care system and improvement in HDI, as it is calculated by the geometric mean (equallyweighted) of life expectancy, education, and GNI per capita. The findings of the study highlight the disparities between the hills and the plains, rural-urban as well as between the social groups for various health related indicators are presented and analyzed.
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