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Toshxujayeva Shoiraxon G’aniyevna


Irony is a trope consisting of applying the word in the opposite sense for the purpose of subtle avoidance or hidden irony, in which the word acquires an ockasional meaning in its own way. This specific phenomenon has become an object of study much earlier, attracting the attention of researchers. Cynicism is defined by the ancient allomas Cicero and Quintilian: “we pretend to praise someone, and in fact we scold. It is understood from the Tagma context or from the intonation and gestures of the speaker”[1.57] I.Sanieva and V.Linguists such as Davidov argue that irony occurs on the basis of causation, ridicule, irony, and that there is no irony where there is no ridicule, irony. The famous linguist Fauler summarizes all the peculiarities of irony, isolating two types of it, namely situationally characterized and verbally expressed irony, and notes that situational irony is often associated with colloquial figures such as meiosis, enantiosemia, euphemism.

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How to Cite
Toshxujayeva Shoiraxon G’aniyevna. (2023). IRONY IN THE WORKS OF ERKIN A’ZAM. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 9(3), 167–170.