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Saidov Maksud Arifovich
Nizamov Khushnud Shukhratovich
Kushnazarov Rustam Safarovich
Rakhmatullaev Akmal Akbarovich
Ruzieva Amira Asrorovna


The constant growth and development of the medical industry cannot prevent the continuous growth of patients with (CHF). The high morbidity and mortality from CHF has not been eliminated even today, despite the existence of countless drugs; guidelines and recommendations for the guaranteed and optimal use of upgrades, which are based on the principles of evidence-based medicine [1,6,11]. Globally industrialized countries have their own analytical epidemiological data of CHF 0.37-2.49% in the general population, among patients older than 65 years, the frequency of CHF exceeds 3.66-13.85%. Western European countries and the USA provided the following data on the prevalence of CHF in the population: 0.18-0.56 %, an indicator that doubles annually [2,6,41]. The research data of the EPOCH-CHF (epidemiological Examination of patients with CHF in real practice) indicate the frequency of CHF with functional classes I-IV (FC) according to the classification of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) in the Russian Federation 10.87% in women and 6.49% in men (on average 8.97%) [3.39-41].

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How to Cite
Saidov Maksud Arifovich, Nizamov Khushnud Shukhratovich, Kushnazarov Rustam Safarovich, Rakhmatullaev Akmal Akbarovich, & Ruzieva Amira Asrorovna. (2023). MODERN ASPECTS OF IRON DEFICIENCY IN CHRONIC HEART FAILURE. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 9(4), 537–544.