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This study aims to find out the gamaran of modern education in pesantren perspective. This type of research is descriptive qualitative or research that will describe about modern education in pesantren perspective. Then this research was conducted using literature studies that are used as secondary data. Based on the results of the research that the characteristics of the curriculum in modern boarding schools began to be adapted to the Islamic education curriculum sponsored by the Ministry of Religious Affairs through formal schools (madrasahs). The next learning system in pesantren is traditional, which is only limited to religious sciences with sorogan and bandungan methods. One of the methods in the learning process carried out in this pesantren is the sorogan method, namely the method by ustadz or kiai to deliver lessons to students individually and the evaluation of learning carried out by pesantren is related to the evaluation of the form of violations, this evaluation aims to improve santri attitudes that deviate from the rules and regulations that apply.
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