“Experimental Investigation on Properties of Black Cotton Soil By Adding Iron Slag”

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Prof. Gunjal Mandar Vasantrao
Mr. Harer Raviraj Bandopant
Mr. Rathod Mahesh Vikram
Mr. Pund Amol Sambhaji


This work presents the results of laboratory tests conducted on black cotton soil mixed with iron slag. Different proportions of iron slag, I.E.10,20 and 30 % mixed with the black cotton soil to improve soil characteristics. The improvement in the characteristics of stabilized soil was assess by evaluating the changes in the physical and strength parameters of the soil, namely, the Atterberg limits, free swell, the CBR Value, compaction parameters and unconfined compressive strength. The mixing of iron slag decreases the liquid limit, plasticity index and optimum moisture contents (OMC) of the soil. The swelling  potential of the soil is reduced from medium to very low.

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How to Cite
Prof. Gunjal Mandar Vasantrao, Mr. Harer Raviraj Bandopant, Mr. Rathod Mahesh Vikram, & Mr. Pund Amol Sambhaji. (2021). “Experimental Investigation on Properties of Black Cotton Soil By Adding Iron Slag”. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 75–78. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/1881