Smart Notice Board

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Shaikh Tahura Anjum Vazir
Shaikh Fiza Shaukat
Kale Akshay Ashok


A notice board is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Notice boards are mandatory asset used in institutes and organizations or public places. The process of notice board handling is a time consuming and hectic. To overcome this problem a new concept of digital notice board is introduced in this paper. This concept provides digital way of displaying notices using Android application and Wireless technology.

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How to Cite
Shaikh Tahura Anjum Vazir, Shaikh Fiza Shaukat, & Kale Akshay Ashok. (2021). Smart Notice Board. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 283–285. Retrieved from