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Sachin Bharat Jagtap
Saurabh Mohan Bhosale
Vishal Atul Deshmukh
Navin Madhukar Deshpande
Peshtwar S.V


This paper represent the design, fabrication, and development of solar operated agriculture robot. The robot can dig the soil, feed the seed, leveler to close the soil, and pump to spray the fertilizer. These all system works on battery and solar power. We here use an microcontroller circuit along with GSM modem, a DC motor, LCD display and required circuit to make this system. Approximately 50% of people in India work in agriculture sector. In this agriculture sector there is a lot of field work such as digging, harvesting, sowing, weeding, etc. And spraying is also an important operation in agriculture. Which to be perform by the farmer, to protect the crop form the pest, funguses and any other diseases. It is concept of investigating multi-purpose small machine which is more efficient than the large tractors and human forces. Due to this purpose we design and developing such a system with the following feature. Harvesting is the first step in farming after the completion of this step land is ready for the seed sowing, spray pump is used to spray the fertilizer.

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How to Cite
Sachin Bharat Jagtap, Saurabh Mohan Bhosale, Vishal Atul Deshmukh, Navin Madhukar Deshpande, & Peshtwar S.V. (2021). MULTIPURPOSE AGRICULTURE ROBOT BY USING SOLAR. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 166–168. Retrieved from