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Sheikh Bahauddin Naqshband created systematic work according to the methods of mystical zikr combined with “vird” blessed names of Allah which Sufi should repeat. The essence of Bahauddin Naqshband's teaching is human and his perfection. In his work of “Avrod”, he writes that man was created as “Sharif”, the most perfect form among all the creations. He reveals the meaning of some ayats of Quran, that when Allah created Adam He commanded all the angels to worship Him because He created man as his Khalifah in the earth. Thus, according to Bahauddin, human must know the true essence of his place in this world. Human must know and act as the Khalifah of Allah on the earth, know all his adjectives and names, and created to display all of His mightiness and power. It is emphasized that man is the perfect creature that reflects himself the whole of universe, and to attain this perfection level, it must be an inseparable connection with the mighty and pure power of Allah. The work of “Avrodi Naqshbandiya“ is a collection of psalms, names of Allah, zikr, glorification, ayats of Quran, salawat and duas which must regularly understand, comprehend contemplate and repeat with heart in order to be pleased by Allah. This article analyzes the unique masterpiece of Muslim nations “Avrod” by Khazrat Bahauddin Naqshband in a scientific and theoretical way.

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How to Cite
RAKHIMOVA NODIRA KADIROVNA. (2021). AVRODI NAKSHBANDIYA IS A BLESSED SOURCE. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 6(09), 49–52. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/article/view/322