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Sherkulova Farida Elmuratotovna
Berdikulov Furkat Shavkatovich
Ermatov Yusufbek Amirovich


he genetic potential of the Lohmann LSL-Classic and Lohmann-Sandy crosses was studied in the conditions of dehkan, farm and small poultry farms. In terms of incubation qualities of a component of breeding eggs, in terms of growth rates of chickens, in live weight and egg production, it is ahead of the Lohmann LSL-Classic cross. It was determined that small chicken eggs are lighter than medium and large eggs by 2.2 g and 5 g, respectively, in a small egg the protein content is 33.1 g, on average and large - 34.3 g and 35.3 g., And the weight of the shell is medium eggs compared to the shell weight of small and large eggs are 0.3 g more. The egg production of Lohmann LSL-Classic chickens exceeds the egg production of Lohmann-Sandy chickens by 6.8 pieces, that is, by 2.34%, the egg weight of Lohmann LSL-Classic chickens is 0.08 kg more than the egg weight Lohmann-Sandy. Chicks Lohmann LSL-Classic had a higher gain at 16-20 weeks of age.

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How to Cite
Sherkulova Farida Elmuratotovna, Berdikulov Furkat Shavkatovich, & Ermatov Yusufbek Amirovich. (2021). EGG PRODUCTIVITY OF CHICKENS OF IMPORTED CROSSES . JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 388–392. Retrieved from

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