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Prof. Dr. U. S. Mugale
Prof. U. M. Rawat
Mr. Deshmukh Dhiraj Raosaheb
Mr. Benagi Shashikiaran Chandrashekhar
Mr. Mane Apparao Ravindra
Mr. Tavade Adarsh Valmik


Whether a car has front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, or all-wheel drive, the majority of current models use a two-wheel steering system to control their movement. However, four wheel steering vehicles are being employed more frequently as a result of increased safety awareness because they are also renowned for their outstanding performance and stability. They are wheels of conventional two wheel steering vehicles do not assist with steering and simply follow the front wheels’ route. In four-wheel steering, the wheels can be turned left or right depending on the situation. The direction of rotation for the rear wheels might be either parallel to the front or opposite. The four-wheel system is made to operate in three different ways. Specifically, rotations that are in-phase, out-of-phase, and zero.

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Prof. Dr. U. S. Mugale, Prof. U. M. Rawat, Mr. Deshmukh Dhiraj Raosaheb, Mr. Benagi Shashikiaran Chandrashekhar, Mr. Mane Apparao Ravindra, & Mr. Tavade Adarsh Valmik. (2024). MAKING OF DUAL AXIS VEHICLE STEERING MECHANISM. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 10(6), 70–75. Retrieved from

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