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Mr. Somnath Trimal
Mr. Zuber Shaikh
Mr. Amol Chavan
Prof. Kamble S. M.


This paper presents the design and implementation of a Student Management System (SMS) utilizing Java programming language and MySQL database management system for effective management of student-related information. The system aims to streamline administrative tasks in educational institutions by providing functionalities for documenting student full name, Gmail, and Contact Number. Also, we can edit and delete students name, email and contact number. The application is developed as a web-based platform, ensuring accessibility from any device with an internet connection. Key features include user authentication, data validation, and robust database management to ensure data integrity and security.

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How to Cite
Mr. Somnath Trimal, Mr. Zuber Shaikh, Mr. Amol Chavan, & Prof. Kamble S. M. (2024). STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 10(6), 116–119. Retrieved from