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Imomkulov Rasul Raxmonovich
Tog`aynazarova Raxima Axmedovna


This article deals with the parenting. Parenting is a learning process, protection and care of children for their healthy development into adulthood. Most often educated by the biological parents of the child, it can also be the eldest sibling, grandparent, legal guardian, or guardian, aunt, uncle or other relatives, and friends of the family. Professional pedagogical culture is an indispensable quality of the teaching person who has a pedagogical profession, who designs his general culture. This is the synthesis of high professionalism and internal characteristics of the teacher, the mastery of teaching methods and the availability of cultural and creative abilities.

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How to Cite
Imomkulov Rasul Raxmonovich, & Tog`aynazarova Raxima Axmedovna. (2021). SCIENTISTS ABOUT EDUCATION. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 90–92. Retrieved from

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